Monday, December 7, 2009

Project #3: Activity Three


I loved this project! Prezi is super cool! At first it didn't seem very intuitive, but I got the hang of it after a while. Essentially it is pretty simple in function and the transitions are mostly automatic, but really makes it fun to watch the presentation. I like the idea that you can see the whole picture and have the option of clicking through to different focused topics. On my project, however, I created a path so that it would follow through the presentation as intended.

Acknowledgement: Nathan for introducing me to Prezi.

My Awesome Project #3

Final Project #3 - Activity One

PREZI - (Project #3, Activity #1)

Outline of tutorial interactive technology information:
- There are two modes: Place and Prezi
- Use space to zoom out; click on object to zoom
- Editing (Place mode): Media, Text, Frame, Line, Path
- Transformation zebra: used to scale, expand, or rotate

What I have learned in Class

This class has been really fun. I like it because technological tools can be great assets to teaching and can enhance learning. I have been talking to a friend about effective teaching and there are effective uses of technology and not effective methods. I have learned some things that could be effective and some thing that I think may be superfluous. For this class, I think the discussion questions online may have been unnecessary, but I really liked the class website.
Outside of the strict education related uses of the technologies we learned about in this class, I liked learning to easily make a website. I also enjoyed creating a movie and having an excuse to play around with that process. I really enjoy technology, but I sometimes feel like it takes a lot of time to go through the process of familiarizing yourself enough to use it effectively. Overall, it was a good excuse to play with technology, but, yes, there are also some useful applications.
I don't really see many areas that would need improvements as far as the actual class. I really appreciated the due date flexibility.