Monday, December 7, 2009

Project #3: Activity Three


I loved this project! Prezi is super cool! At first it didn't seem very intuitive, but I got the hang of it after a while. Essentially it is pretty simple in function and the transitions are mostly automatic, but really makes it fun to watch the presentation. I like the idea that you can see the whole picture and have the option of clicking through to different focused topics. On my project, however, I created a path so that it would follow through the presentation as intended.

Acknowledgement: Nathan for introducing me to Prezi.

My Awesome Project #3

Final Project #3 - Activity One

PREZI - (Project #3, Activity #1)

Outline of tutorial interactive technology information:
- There are two modes: Place and Prezi
- Use space to zoom out; click on object to zoom
- Editing (Place mode): Media, Text, Frame, Line, Path
- Transformation zebra: used to scale, expand, or rotate

What I have learned in Class

This class has been really fun. I like it because technological tools can be great assets to teaching and can enhance learning. I have been talking to a friend about effective teaching and there are effective uses of technology and not effective methods. I have learned some things that could be effective and some thing that I think may be superfluous. For this class, I think the discussion questions online may have been unnecessary, but I really liked the class website.
Outside of the strict education related uses of the technologies we learned about in this class, I liked learning to easily make a website. I also enjoyed creating a movie and having an excuse to play around with that process. I really enjoy technology, but I sometimes feel like it takes a lot of time to go through the process of familiarizing yourself enough to use it effectively. Overall, it was a good excuse to play with technology, but, yes, there are also some useful applications.
I don't really see many areas that would need improvements as far as the actual class. I really appreciated the due date flexibility.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Project #2: Nine Core Feelings VIDEO

This is my educational video on the Nine Core Feelings addressing UEN standard 1, objective 2, section b.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Screen shot for Bonus points :)

This one is an actual "screen-shot" in that is shows the whole screen, via the traditional screen shot button. Either way I think is worth bonus points! :)

Video Call with my brother!

I did a video call with my younger brother and mom. Gordon just got his driver's permit, so now he can even SHOW me his new permit! This is awesome! I used Skype to make this video call.
Bonus: Here's a "skype snap-shot" of our call...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Project #2 - First week

This project sounds much more challenging than the first one!
My video is going to be relating to Objective 2 on the Utah State Education, Health Education Goals and Obejectives:
Objective 2 is: "Identify strategies that enhance mental and emotional health" with the first sub-objective as "Identify positive ways to express emotion."
I will do a short video identifying and demonstrating the Nine main emotions. This will be fun.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Collaborative Tools

A collaborative tool that is new to me is google groups. It has been a good experience to use this tool in our class to have discussions, share ideas, and get feedback. It can be used to have discussions like we have in our class and also to share assignments or information for our future classes. It is easy to use and it is organized. Everyone can post or reply and it can be used almost anywhere and anytime.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Project #1 - Class Website

Here's the link to my fictional class website! This was a fun project!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I have always loved facebook! Some people I know have become borderline addicted-- well, maybe way over the line addicted-- but I simple enjoy the opportunity to see how people are doing and communicate with anyone I come across whether or not they are available. It is convenient and you can keep in contact with people you would never otherwise have reason to.

I also recently signed up for LinkedIn a professional networking system. My cousin invited me. I am leery of other social networks, especially over the internet because you have to be cautious of who you are giving your information to.

These networks are beneficial to learn from others and share ideas. It would be cool to find a group or network for educators in the health field.

Copyright Law Video Comments

Copyright Law Comments

Copyright can be complicated! One thing I found interesting is that most works are automatically under copyright protection. I thought you had to register or apply for a copyright.
It is great that there are many options as far as being able to use works for education purposes, especially for us as educators!

Here are some things I learned:
Licensing: A copyright owner can share ownership or authorize use of works…
- Exclusive (must always be in writing)
- Non-exclusive (authorize one or more of rights or non-transfer of ownership)
To be protected by copy right there must be three criterion met:
- Tangible
- Original
- Minimal creativity
Copyright protects: reproduction, display, performance, distribution, adaptation, etc.

Sometimes you don’t need permission to use:
1.) Things not protected by Copyright Law:
1. Public domain – before 1923
2. Owner fails to renew copyright
3. Item placed in public domain
4. Based solely on facts or ideas
5. Created by government.
1. Criticism
2. News reporting
3. Teaching
4. Scholarship or research activity
3.) Other considerations: Purpose, kind of work, amount being used, market effect.
Some copyright protected works can be use for educational purposes 110(1):
- Face to face teaching
- No restrictions on type or length of work
- Must be legal copy
- Covers only students and teachers
- Covers only classrooms
Teach act 110 (2):
- Private – acceptable
- Public – “substantial number of people other than family” – not acceptable
Agreements include: Exclusivity, Term, Territory

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 2: Discussion Question

Field: Health

Week 2: Gospel Insight

You just never KNOW with the internet. You could be contacted by ANYONE and there is no way to ensure that any information that is being shared is true. I have heard so many stories of people getting into trouble by meeting in person they have met over the internet. It is obviously dangerous.

I agree that the internet can enhance relationships that already exist. For example, my brother recently returned from his mission and we were able to keep in contact each week through email which was a wonderful blessing.

Week 1: Discussion Question

This was my response to the week 1 Discussion Question:

An advantage to asynchronous communication in education is that users
can read, digest, and respond at their own pace. People in a class
setting can take as little or as much time as they need or want in
answering, reading, or responding. This is a time saver for some and a
stress-reliever for others. A disadvantage is that everyone may not be
on the same page at the same time. Those instructing may need to
address or help some students and relay the same information a number
of times. It can also be difficult sometimes for some to share their
ideas as they are not immediately received and may not be for some
time. Therefore the person initially communicating would have to wait
for the recipient or move on without a response.

Week 1: Gospel Insight

This was my response to the Gospel insight question for week 1:

The electronic means of communication these days is quite remarkable
really! The first thing that came to mind after reading this excerpt
is airplanes. I have heard that air travel was invented purely for the
means of transporting missionaries to be trained and sent throughout
the earth to share the Gospel. Internet is also a tool that has been
incredibly useful. Consider and You can now get on and chat live with a missionary or other church
representative. That is so amazing! It is especially cool because
sometimes people will have questions but be too shy or embarrassed or
vulnerable to ask face to face, but where there is an electronic
barrier, people are much more willing to ask, and there is less
pressure to act. This is a great way to slowly introduce the Gospel in
a non-confrontational way.